Under no circumstances will the seller be responsible for the quality, integrity, composition, size and shape of the product shipped by the company, its depletion in the sales warehouse, and its timely delivery as part of the shipping service provided by The products received in our foreign warehouse are delivered only to the Baku warehouse. The customer can use the “Order in exchange service or place an order using a personal plastic card. When you come to pick up the package, be sure to take your ID. When you receive the package, please check the product without leaving the office. Otherwise, complaints about the package will not be considered. When ordering a courier, the address must be accurate. Parcels brought by us are not returned through
If the userorders an item worth up to 300 (three hundred) US dollars per month, no customsduty is charged from the user. It must be substantiated that the productsincluded in the personal use limit are not for commercial purposes and are forpersonal use.
If thevalue of the order exceeds 300 (three hundred) US dollars within the last 30days, the User undertakes to pay customs duty to the customs authority up to36% of the total value of the order.
Whencarrying all orders, the carrier assumes customs documentation only if there isan order of up to $ 300. If an order of higher value is ordered, the carrierundertakes to bring the goods to the Customs terminal, and the user undertakesother documentation and delivery of the goods from the terminal.
If the customer does not receive the package within 15(fifteen) calendar days from the date of informing the customer about thearrival of the ordered package in the warehouse of the "Carrier", thestorage fee is calculated for each day. The Customer may not accept the parceluntil it has paid all its material obligations to the Carrier. If the parcel isnot delivered within 2 (two) months from the moment the Carrier informs thecustomer about the delivery of the ordered parcel from the warehouse, theproperty in the parcel shall become the property of the Carrier. In case ofdelay of the ordered package for reasons beyond the control of the"Carrier" (flight delays, customs inspections, etc.), the"Carrier" is not responsible and this case can not be considered aground for rejection of the order. Defective item, size, color, assortment,etc. of the product transported on the basis of the order. "Carrier"is not responsible for any errors. The service fee for the delivery of aportable package is calculated by weight. The user must check the parcelswithout leaving the Mobex office and inform the company in case of any damageor failure. Otherwise, the company is not responsible for damaged packages!Items that can be tested are not insured before shipment. Such products must bepackaged in such a way that they are not damaged by the sender (seller). Thecompany is not responsible for any problems during transportation!
MobEX LLCis not a sales company and does not provide any sales services. Hereinafterreferred to as Mobex LLC, the carrier:
Place ofstorage of goods ordered by the customer.
The placewhere the goods are received by the customer.
The carrieris not a manufacturer and does not provide any sales services. The customertransfers the payment from his personal account to the bank account of theforeign company with which the carrier cooperates.
5% paymentcommission is provided for the ordering process. This percentage does not applyto Mobex LLC's transportation fee.
Orders sentwith payment to the customer's address will not be accepted.
The"carrier" is in no way liable for the quality, completeness,composition, size and shape of the product shipped by the seller, its depletionin the warehouse or the cancellation of the order by the seller.
The carrierdoes not carry out any operations on the order after the order is placed.(Cancellation of the product, change of color or size, etc.)
Mobex LLCis not responsible for the time taken by the seller to deliver the order to thecarrier's warehouse. The order assumes responsibility for delivery from themoment you enter the warehouse.
When youpay, the foreign country up to the foreign warehouse will be negativelyreflected in your account if you do not pay for domestic transportation. Whenyou pick up your package, you will be required to pay for transportation to Azerbaijanas well as for transportation within the country.
Whensending a link to order, the user must enter the product information correctlyin the appropriate fields. The information entered by the customer in theappropriate fields during the execution of the order will be taken as a basis.
If thepayment for the ordered product is returned for any reason, the 5% commissionis not refundable.
Payment forthe ordered product is returned to the customer in the following cases:
When theproduct is depleted on the seller's balance sheet;
When thecustomer accidentally enters funds into the balance;
When thecustomer refuses the order.